As Friedrich Engels said, life is the existence of proteins. All living beings are built of proteins. The word "existence" in that phrase means maintaining, creating and destroying, or in other words, metabolism. The main directions of metabolism are anabolism and catabolism. Anabolism is creation, catabolism is destruction. Let’s consider Anabolism (from Greek ἀναβολή, "lifting") or constructive metabolism - a set of chemical processes that constitute one of the sides of the metabolism in the body, aimed at the formation of high-molecular compounds. |
Anabolism is interrelated with the opposite process, catabolism, since the products of the breakdown of various compounds can be re-used in anabolism, forming new compounds in other combinations. The processes of anabolism occurring in green plants with the absorption of solar energy (see Photosynthesis) are of great importance for maintaining life at the planetary level; they play a crucial role in the synthesis of organic substances from inorganic substances. Anabolism includes the processes of synthesis of amino acids, simple sugars, fatty acids, nucleotides, polysaccharides, protein macromolecules, nucleic acids, ATP. |
Plastic metabolism results in building enorganic proteins, fats, and carbohydrates from nutrients entering the cell, which in turn are used for forming new cells, their organelles and intercellular substance. |
In general, anabolism builds and supports our body. Although we have already mentioned catabolism, let's give a definition to this phenomenon too. Catabolism (from Greek καταβολή, "dropping, destruction"), also energy metabolism, or destructive metabolism is the process of metabolic breakdown of complex substances to simpler ones or oxidation of a substance, usually resulting in the release of energy in the form of heat and molecules of ATP, a universal energy source for all biochemical processes. Catabolic reactions are the basis of dissimilation: the loss of complex substances of its specificity for a given organism as a result of breakdown into simpler ones. |
Examples of catabolism are: |
conversion of ethanol through formation of acetaldehyde (ethanol, CH3CHO) and acetic acid (ethanoic acid, CH3COOH) into carbon dioxide (CO2) and water (H2O). Glycolysis - conversion of glucose into lactic acid or pyruvic acid and then, during cellular respiration, into carbonic acid gas (CO2) and water (H2O). |
The intensity of catabolic processes and the predominance of certain catabolic processes as energy sources in cells are regulated by hormones. For example: |
glucocorticoids increase the intensity of protein and amino acid catabolism, while inhibiting glucose catabolism {C_{6}H_{12}O_{6}+3O_{2} 6CO_{2}+6H_{2}O+Q}}} (more precisely, increasing its anabolism, inducing the accumulation of glucose in the form of glycogen in the liver and muscle tissue, thereby reducing the concentration of glucose in the blood and lymph, mediating hypoglycemia), insulin, on the contrary, accelerates catabolism of glucose and inhibits protein catabolism. |
Catabolism is the opposite of anabolism - the process of synthesis and resynthesis of new, more complex, compounds from simpler ones, consuming energy of ATP. The ratio of catabolic and anabolic processes in the cell is regulated by hormones. For example, adrenaline or glucocorticoids shift the balance of the cell metabolism toward the predominance of catabolism, while insulin, somatotropin, testosterone, on the contrary, lead to the prevalence of anabolism. |
The conclusion to be drawn from the above is that life is a metabolism. In our body, the processes of anabolism and catabolism are constant; the cells are destroyed and newly formed. For example, cells of the skin and large intestine live for several days, red blood cells live up to 4 months, white blood cells up to a year and so on. Many types of cells of our body are constantly renewed. Substances formed at the time of cell disintegration are excreted from the body with bile, urine, sweat, and also as hair, skin peelings etc. |
A building material for new cells is food, it make metabolism or life possible. Food is disintegrated to the smallest molecules like amino acids, glucose, ethanol and fatty acids, ATP molecules, and so on, and from them, anabolism and resynthesis of cells and cell structures of the body begin. |
And if the breakdown of food is not done normally, the synthesis goes wrong too and the wrong cells and cell structures are created. For example, if, due to stress, the processes of catabolism have increased, the breakdown of energy molecules has accelerated, and the sufficient amino acids and nucleotides are not supplied, the probability of mutant cell formation is high. The latter become the target of the immune system, and so the immune processes occur. And all due to the abnormal process of digestion. |
Another example is the accumulation of altered proteins. For the survival of cells, the circuit of proteins is important, for which the appearance of damaged and superfluous proteins is critical. Oxidized proteins are a typical result of the influence of active forms of oxygen, which are formed as a result of many metabolic processes of the cell and often interfere with the correct functioning of the protein. Nevertheless, the mechanisms of repair can not always recognize the damaged proteins and become less effective with age due to a decrease in the proteasome activity. In some cases, proteins are part of static structures, such as the cell wall, that can not be easily destroyed. The circuit of proteins also depends on protein-chaperones, which help proteins to obtain the necessary conformation. With age, their repair activity decreases, although this decrease can be the result of overloading of chaperones (and protoasomes) by damaged proteins. |
There is evidence that the accumulation of damaged proteins does occur with age and may be responsible for such age-related diseases as Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, and cataracts. Therefore, every human being on Earth needs correction of metabolism. |
Myths about calories. These days, everyone thinks that you need to eat as many calories as you can burn with physical and mental exercises. But it doesn’t make sense, because our body is not an oven where everything that is eaten is burned to ashes. You eat 2,000 calories of food and burn the same amount in the gym, but then you go to the toilet and empty 1500 calories of feces. So it turns out all you got is 500 calories? The answer is no. Because metabolizing food of 2000 calories requires spending 400 calories; that means the answer is: 100 calories. Well, where does the energy of 2000 calories from the gym come from? The thing is, the energy unit of Joule can’t be used for living organisms, because a complex system of muscle movement works with efficiency of almost 200% and 300%, as a unique spring, using inertia in full. Imagine how many calories burns the heart by pumping tons of blood per day, or a brain by transmitting millions of signals per minute. Myths about food calories and burning them are completely incompatible with the principles of metabolism, so in our concept of correction of metabolism, caloric intake doesn’t matter. |
The basis of correction of metabolism is one hundred percent digestion of food. When all the necessary building materials for the synthesis of all structural elements of the body are present in the proper quantity. If you have a 100% metabolism, then in fact, you start eating less, and the energy is formed in abundance. That allows you to resist many diseases and aging. To determine the effectiveness of metabolism, you just have to look at a person, and you can see with the naked eye if their metabolism works well. But the most revealing method is the study of blood in relation to age, weight and height of a person. We examined a huge number of clients of different categories and found out the pattern of this combination. The main indicators except weight, height and age are glomerular filtration, lipid panel, electrolytes, hematocrit, and of course the hormonal background. Based on all these indicators, we choose our treatment tactics. |
Correction of metabolism begins with the intestinal tract. There is a constant struggle between bacteria and intestinal cells. If the contents of the intestine pass through the digestive system more slowly than it should, then food rots due to bacteria and becomes not suitable for metabolism because of the toxins of these bacteria, and if the food passes faster than it should, then the intestinal cells are unable to suck in the digestive products or absorb poorly processed nutrients, which also challenges metabolism. Therefore, there is a certain speed of movement of the intestine for a certain type of food; it is also called peristalsis. Most organs in which the process of peristaltic contraction occurs, have two layers of smooth muscles in their walls, in one of them the muscle fibers are located longitudinally, in the other - circularly. Coordinated contractions of these muscles form a peristaltic wave. Smooth muscles, in contrast to the striated muscles, contract relatively slowly. Their contractions are involuntary, that is, they can not be controlled by consciousness. For example, the muscles of the digestive tube organs are smooth, except for the "input" (there are striated muscles up to the upper third of the esophagus) and "output" (external sphincter of the anus). Therefore, after swallowing and before the act of defecation, all the processes associated with the food movement, including peristalsis, are not controlled by consciousness. |
The frequencies of peristaltic waves differ in different organs (compartments). They are set by special pacemakers - nerve cell clusters, among which the interstitial cells of Cajal play a dominant role. Pacemakers generate slow waves of transmembrane potentials. Slow waves do not cause muscle contractions, but create in the muscles a potential close to the activation threshold. When slow waves of action potentials appear on the plateau, the muscle fibers contract. |
Thus, pacemakers determine the frequencies of peristaltic waves (as well as other phase contractions). In a healthy person they are following (in cycles per minute): in the stomach - 2-4, in the duodenum - 10-12, in the jejunum - 9-12, in the ileum - 6-8, in the large intestine - around 0, 6, as well as 3-4 and 6-12, in the rectum - about 3, in the Oddi’s sphincter - 3-6. |
As you can see, the normal functioning of intestinal tract requires the perfect peristalsis. Therefore, the principle of correction of metabolism is the restoration of the harmonious work of the pacemakers and the muscular tone of the intestinal walls. This effect is achieved with the help of a correctly selected means: oil, spices, chewing and salivation. Based on blood data, age, weight and height, we choose the kind of oils and spices and the volume of electrolytes with water at eating. From the very beginning, the patients pay attention to a pleasant sensation in their stomachs, lightness and less gas, and the main positive effect, a rapid shrinking of the stomach. We believe that shrinking the stomach solves many problems of your body, such as fatigue, shortness of breath, abnormal blood pressure, snoring, lack of sleep, heartburn, etc. |
Another part of correction of metabolism is the restoration of microcirculation in tissues. One of the main causes of all diseases, including cancer, is insufficient blood supply to tissues. With abnormal metabolism, a defective protein is formed and settled in small capillaries, thereby slowing down, and sometimes completely stopping blood flow in them. With chronic improper metabolism, blood volume gradually decreases, and blood can not fill the microcirculatory bloodstream, which also leads to diseases and fast aging. After all, the elderly, as well as obese and sick people have 15% less blood. Correction of metabolism aims at the gradually recovery of microcirculation in the tissues by selecting the right set of spasmolytic spices, the volume of water and electrolytes. As a result, you get rid of many problems of your body, and rejuvenate inside and out. |